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Có Hình Bọn reddit làm cách nào để dùng bot mà nhận ra những thứ nó cấm trong nội dung bài?

T thấy trên reddit có 1 quy định rất lạ, luật lệ thì ko công khai, nhưng đăng bài lên là 90% sẽ bị auto removed bởi bot
Nhưng bot sao tài vậy, chả lẽ bot nó dò được từng chữ trong bài à?

Ví dụ đoạn nội dung này làm cách nào nó dò ra được những điều tụi nó cấm, mà cấm cái gì?

  1. The game is ridiculous hard, even a mob can beat you easily with 1 or 2 hit, despite how high your level is, your defense is just non exist
  • Mob could do x4 damage on PLAYER, but do x1 damage on themselves, I dont think it's an error.
  1. The game is not focusing on anything
  • fighting? no
  • find pathway, solve riddles? also NOPE
  • farm level? the simp gamer call it is a "soul game", but I think the way we rise our level by return to the savepoint again and again is stupyd, even the Diablo 2 we can level up while in a combat field. In the real life, we LEVEL UP everywhere, not at home or SAVE POINT
  • enjoying sound and music? NO NO NO (maybe the scene in this game is epic)
  1. Too many useless item and area
  • We can call it an openworld but even GTA, it has many easter egg in each corner of the world, but in ER, NOPE, exploring new area is time wasting
  1. The story is confused and ambiguous
  • I know that ER is a dark world and it's story will be dark too, but "Dark" is not meant to be "Ambiguous", the creator try to make it more "Secret", "Occult", but I just feel it so stupys, even the dialogs are useless too, they just waste a big game that they should have made a best story in it, but now, ER is beautiful with worst story.
  1. The difficulty is Normal, but the limitation on the Main char is HARD
  • Player could increase his ATK, HP, but never upgrade his MOVEMENT SPEED or ATK SPEED
  • The Boss or Giants always hit an AOE effect, which make player no need of avade-ing skills
  • Even player has a very longplay to some final stages, the main character has no special abilities, can't fly, can't longer dash, can't parry from Giants, very vulnerable and easy to die, no big change compare to the begining
Well some hayter will say that my english is bad or I'm a kid, but who care, I can talk with ya guy without google trans, And I had 7.5 ielts that enough for me, who care your judges?