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One of my most recurring dreams occurs in my street, on a night illuminated by the burning buildings. There are corpses neatly piled up on the sidewalks, scattered one over the other as if they had been the victim of an explosion in a moment of extreme hustle and bustle. They all wear worn brown clothes, some are on fire, others are so bloody that the fire has no effect. Their faces can't be seen, since their scattered limbs –sometimes incorporated into their bodies and sometimes not– cover them up. Accompanying the image are constant cries of maternal pain that end and begin again, over and over again, with each shotgun blast that sounds. In the middle of the street, marching fervently towards me, a vast French army trampling the pools of blood at a military pace.

I just hope it's an omen, fuck this country.
DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.
I've never heard of such a pussy concept like war crimes. Kek. It was invented by anti-national leftists in Gevena (WEF Agenda?) and now ever since it was invented, we've gone down hill as a civilization since. No one i saying we need to be like the Mongols and torch everything but lol if you think that anyone cares if civilians end up dead when soldiers need to let off steam.

Treat POWs humanly? Not gonna happen.

No looting base camps or anything? Not gonna happen

No flamethrowers of bio weapons? Good luck trying to enforce that in a war zone.

Can’t shoot a medic? Yeah, no, they’re unofficially considered value targets.

The fact the people who made them thought people would follow them in a legit war don’t know how war works.

That's why it's a pussy leftist concept. No one follows the rules of warfare.
Americans will never know the joys of a multi-day journey in a плaцкapт. your 6-man cubicle becomes best friends in a day, in 3-4 you'll get to know the entire wagon. People get off, people get on, people tell stories, share books, play cards, eat doshirak, drink tea from the onboard boiler, all together. and then, as suddenly as it started, you'll get off at your station and will probably never see those people again, but you will remember them.
once I found the bikegremlin recipe I've been using that but I used triflow for years and whatever special stuff was at the lbs when I ran out of the last bottle. ceramic wax. green-colored wax,. the "scientific" one with the yellow cap, can't remember the name.
imo, they all worked well and about the same. but the bg recipe has the advantage of costing about what two of the fancy expensive, small bottles cost up front, but the amount you can make is basically a lifetime supply

spraying shit on just means you have to try harder to remove it from the surface areas so it won't attract dirt. you only want it in the internal surfaces so yes, dropper method followed by several wipe-downs.
I don't usually clean my chain because after wiping it down and using full fenders, it doesn't really get dirty. when I start to hear it (there's a subtle noise before it squeaks outright) I just relube it. imo the best time to clean the chain is after riding in the rain, it's easier and at that point you really need to do it anyway. the water will have loosened up all the grime so you flow (spray could get into the hub or bb bearings so I just pour) a hose over the drivetrain and watch all the black shit melt off. hit your rims and brake pads, too, if you use rim brakes. then you lay a rag over the rim under the chain and douse the chain with WD40 to Displace all that Water . it leaves a very light oil behind but not enough to successfully lube the chain, so grip the rag over the chain and back pedal until it's not staining the rag (much, anyway), moving the rag several times to check. then drop oil on each link (used quicklink or mark a link somehow to know when the full chain is oiled). let it soak, backpedal to work it in, wipe down again after like ten minutes
Why is it so fucking difficult to find a straight answer on what exactly I need to know for this test? Along with that, why am I obligated to pay over $3k for classes at a community college when it doesn't include getting my learner's permit? I'm struggling to see why so many outside forces are preventing me from simply getting this license. I already know that the "practice test" is bullshit and none of those questions will be on the actual test, I already fell for that bullshit when I got my motorcycle learner's permit (protip: none of those fucking "practice" questions were on the test) I'm not taking this god damn test multiple times because they want me to know every acronym for government regulations or how much hydraulic fluid to the thousandth decimal the reservoir needs. I'm reading and trying to retain everything I can but this shit is seriously 127 pages of technical legal jargon made to appease DOT and specifics of what every bolt and nut does. I'm getting frustrated and extremely irritated and I see so many Somalians and other foreigners on the interstates who drive like absolute shit but somehow they obtained their CDLs, so if I fail this I don't think I'll have any other choice than to end it all. This is literally my only way out of my shitty life and terrible paying jobs, I'm not smart enough for anything else, I'm barely even smart enough for this. FUCK just tell me it's easier than I'm making it seem
back when I was just starting ten years ago everyone always said the REAL training begins when you get to the your first carrier and go solo from their training program. FMCSA was aware of this and didn't like it, so they made things tighter. I get their logic. the CDL training to get your license was this dumb rote exercise where the instructors pretended to teach and you pretended to learn. it was all a dog and pony show. look at it this way, between the now onerous trianing requirements and the drug test even fewer people will get CDL's. this is good for you, the driver. if they start clamping down on medicals buckle up. the big lesson here is GET GRANDFATHERED IN. get endorsements! that's the obvious next step. a little twenty question multiple choice and you can drive triples? lmao. and passenger? the worst kept sercret in trucking is that unless you're hauling fuel the money is better in charter and party buses than just about any trucking job. I haven't driven a semi in five years, make six figures plus driving a fucking bus three days a week home every night because of tipping culture.
I'm happy with the reduction of transfers going north and east, but LA desperately needs to get the red line up to snuff. It is genuinely the most disgusting and unsafe line in the entire metro and we really need to clean it up. I was riding the A line into downtown a few weeks ago and this guy was telling me about how he got mugged on the red line the first day he ever stepped foot into LA. It makes me sad knowing LA could be one of the best urban environments in America and we squandered our potential with endless freeways. The LA regional connector is definitely a step in the right direction and now we need to improve line coverage and speed.
I find it funny how much Euros make fun of America for having bad infrastructure because we don't have a good government-funded passenger rail network, despite the fact that the federally-maintained interstate highway system, publically-owned airports, and private freight rail do literally everything Euros think you "need" nationalized rail to do. I can take an hour and a half flight from Boston to Pittsburgh whereas a train from Munich to Paris takes 5.5-8 hours to cover the same distance. Air travel is a better solution for mid and long distance trips unless you're too dirt-poor to afford an airline ticket, which I assume all the people whining about how we need to cripple freight rail in favor of scamtrak are. Fun fact: the US government spends drastically less on EAS subsidies for flights to sparsely populated unprofitable regions than it does to keep Amtrak afloat offering services to major metro centers
The majority of the US Nazy airship fleet was brought to an end due to accidents and severe technical failures. Hindenburg wasn't the worst, it was just the most noteworthy because it was caught on film. Hydrogen would have had to be switched to eventually as Helium is a very expensive and limited resource. But airships themselves from every technical standpoint have severe practical issues. They are VERY slow, they are VERY narrow in utility, they can't overpower or easily divert around weather, require zero or no wind to land, are difficult to land, uncooperative to moor, take massive amounts of space to store, and are really fragile. Their only modern ongoing utility has been for tethered applications. There's no conspiracy keeping them from existing. They were a temporary option that became obsolete very quickly as more viable alternatives replaced them. One accident didn't remove them from use. Dozens of accidents contributed to a poor track record that became apparent as an inherent flaw in how they operate. Buoyant craft in really turbulent fluids unsurprisingly get beaten up. And fragile ones can't take that abuse. Flexible ones took their place, but are still very very expensive to operate and have pretty niche utility.
Resident ownership of the home AND the land it sits on leads to stability. The neighbors are invested in the town and have proper incentive to see to its betterment. They also have incentive to get along and respect one another more than a transient renter.
Homeowners are able to make the changes and remodels they want, employing local trades and leading to an Ikea effect of perceived value (and therefore happiness) in their home. The actual value will also increase with regular maintenance given the historic stability of real estate, so such work is easily justified as an investment.
The greater space you find in detached single family homes leads to more and healthier children. They have room to grow and develop their sense of identity. There's room for them to live rent free while trying to figure out their vocation, and space to come back if times get tough. The typical apartments, condos and townhomes do not offer this benefit to the same degree.
The density of a neighborhood of detached homes with modest lots is a goldilocks zone of socialization. Dense urban areas never allow one to really know and feel known by most or all your neighbors. Sprawling ranches or mega mansions are closed fortresses to themselves with a desert of activity in between.
Suburban sprawl is a result of the American cultural emphasis on single family homes, and it is negative, but this emphasis still remains valid and healthy. It's like hookup culture to sex. We're going after a good thing in a wrong and cheap way, where we should be entering stable loving marriages in the form of small towns and cities. In a healthier economy without as much corruption and govt intervention a detached home is more accessible to the young person, but right now there's a sour grapes phenomenon where young people feel screwed and want to perform a total system reset.
The mode of technological advancement we see in the past century (the same one that does oil spills, fills your food with preservatives, and may permanently stop humankind from being capable of space travel btw) favors liberalism. It democratizes power by evening out technology. The states that didn’t embrace this were either very traditional (monarchies) or boldly revolutionary (fascists, commies). Their fates were determined by age- the soviets survived WWII because they had enough time to industrialize after 1924. Nazi Germany didn’t have the time to build an industry that could survive 6 years of war, and Italy was de jure a monarchy already, not to mention resource poor, so it didn’t look good for them ever. The only way liberalism will ever be overthrown is either by a new revolutionary movement, or some material point of no return caused by reckless use of technology, or both. For now, there is no pressure for anything to dethrone it
The binding myth of any pan-state is almost always forged in a war or a struggle. Somalia's independence was brought on peacefully, as was the unification between formerly Italian and British Somalilands. The state was doing relatively well for its time and unlike many of the other former colonies wasn't plagued by ethnic tension, but there was a notable undercurrent of clanism present throughout the state in all but one area, the army. Able to integrate remarkably well, they sat aside from politics until the government's shortcomings began impacting the army's prime ideology, Greater Somalia. Somalia was primed to be a productive state, but with Britain (reluctantly and by their own words, wrong, but did so to maintain some influence and concessions) backing Kenya in the Shifta War over a virtually homogenous Somali frontier region. This began the flirting with the Soviets too who would back the Somalis, but the war ended in a ceasefire. Additionally, you had the failed Ogaden Rebellion and the Ethiopian-Somali Border War, which while the army did alright, exposed their logistical weakness. These failed conflicts, and the perceived failing government, led Barre's Coup, and deeper ties with the USSR, in hopes of pursueing Barre's dream, Greater Somalia.
Fun fact; White Star Line was owned by American industrialisr JP Morgan through his holdings company, the International Mercantile Marine Company, at the time of her sinking. This was why the US government got involved and held a congressional hearing in the aftermath of the shipwreck. White Star Lines primary transatlantic rival of course was Cunard Line. Cunard specialized in developing faster ships to reduce turnaround time, White Star would compete by instead building physically larger ships, reducing the need for shorter turnaround time by having a much greater volume of passengers. Her main designer Thomas Andrews, was aboard the ship on her maiden voyage as was customary for White Star in order to assess and note potential improvements to later designs. When Titanic struck the Iceberg, Andrews was reportedly able to immediately predict how long she had before she sank with surprising accuracy. He would ultimately perish along with captain Smith
There wasn't a rival standard when Yugoslav nationalism was in vogue- the preoccupation then became more who has a larger claim to the title. There are two exceptions: a) Before the idea of the Serbo-Croatian(which is how it's often called today by linguists, but for reasons of political correctness, in Yugoslavia it was affixed with /Croato-Serbian; ie srpskohrvatski/hrvatskosrpski*) language, there did exist standards based on different dialects (these are your actual Chinese dialect analogues, except in this case, they're much more mutually intelligible, so dialect is more appropriate than language), like the Chakavian literary language b) Authors often still inserted elements of their native dialects, but the structure wasn't overridden *although, during the 19th century in particular, multiple names were used- the most significant is Illyrian, as the South Slavs of the area took the Illyrian identity and so you had Illyrian nationalism- however, after that fell out of use, you still had various attempts to call it just Croatian or Serbian, until that settled
Unfortunately it is quite apparent that Nationalist Autism beats Class Solidarity in most cases. Even now we can see how the USSR has become a symbol for Russian nationalism (within Russia itself) more so than Communist ideology, with the Soviet's success being seen as Russia's greatness and achievement. Likewise with China, nowadays we have the KMT turning into CPC shills because the CPC made China great again (and they haven't bothered "exporting the revolution" to anyone else and couldn't care less about doing so).
most philosophical concepts are pretty simple and don't need 200 pages reiterating it in olde english

>everything has a cause, but what is the first cause, it is something that surpasses the need to have a cause, god probably
hmm, interesting

>you can't be 100% sure of anything, except maybe your own existence
I guess

>a posteriori: water feels wet
>a priori: 1+1=2
yeah so, one is experience, the other is abstract, got it

>thesis, antithesis synthesis
>literally the entire world revolves around things that have an opposite then combine with them
I can tell Kant and Marx are retarded now, thanks

>europeans lived in forests and so built tall cathedrals and reached for the skies, faustian
>arabs lived in desert caves and so built domes, magian
probably just confirmation bias
The rights to mints exclusively belonged to the King, in Germany, England and France. He could grant it to other entities though. I only know about Germany, the King (or Emperor) granted a very limited amount of cities the right to mint on his behalf and they created their own minted currency. I'm not to sure about how much mints were directly controlled by the King though. During the 14th century, the French King more or less had a monopoly on mints and rarely ever leased them out. With his monopoly the currency would often be debased or tampered with for benefit of the King. Since they could generate more nominal liquid capital to use without actually increasing resources, this worked well, and often helped fund the Crown's desires and expeditions but it couldn't work forever and had to be controlled, by the later 14th century it had largely been stopped from the rampant early 14th century use of debasements for quick cash.
the reality of husband girl need:

honestly, by the time you're 34 all the physical requirements go out the window
like secretly pray that he ll be taller than u
not an asshole would be nice. Someone who enjoys my company come from a good family