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'ye in the 'read
Fr fr no cap on god
Even as a kid I always thought it was dumb how in war the main goal is to kill enemy soldiers (obviously that's not the ultimate goal, but it's the main way of getting there), but you're only allowed to do that in the situations where you're under the most threat of being killed yourself, while in the situations where it would be easiest and safest (i.e. when they've lost the ability to fight back), instead you have to not only not shoot them, but even use your side's resources to house and feed them. Taking care of POWs is nice, but it seems bizarre to have it be a moral necessity when no one would have any problem if they got killed when they were still shooting back, and when taking care of them actively impedes your war effort by the resources it diverts.
The proposal to return to feudalism is nowhere near as impossible as uppity Marxist modernists and cloudy bourgeois nationalists would have you believe. The Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz only abolished a feudal system, dating back to 1745, in 1918. Yet the agricultural German province was in no way superior to, suppose, rural Kansas or Idaho. Living witnesses of feudalism probably even enjoyed all the deracinated comforts of modern capitalism as we do (like Wii consoles, bottled water, Linkin Park, Yahoo! and refrigerators), since the Channel Islands only abolished feudalism in 2008. The island of Sark still has a seigneur, seneschal, tenants, officers and the clameur de haro. Before 2008 there was no serfdom, no exploitation, no peasant rebellion, no tyranny, no yoke, no feudalism at all. The truth is, if the system you set out with devolved into the hell we currently inhabit, it was flawed from the very beginning. Feudalism, like absolutism, like fascism, like any other of these post-hoc terms for early modern ideologies removed the unimpeded reign of a king from its premise. Beginning with the Merovingian puppet-kings, the Frankish nobility hollowed out the glory of the royal autocracy, a disease that festered through the centuries in G*rmoid lands. The excessive privileges of the feudal estates of Mecklenburg, for instance, rendered their Grand Duke a clown with chains. And don' even get me started on the Donation of Pepin. Feudalism is not enough. Papissm [sic!] is morally bankrupt. We must return to Orthodox despotism.
If you're still clinging onto naive fantasies where the brave oppressed masses rise up against the corrupt elite, led by a titular hero riding in on a white horse, you need to come back down to reality, if only for the sake of your mental health. You are not up against people; you are facing what has since become a fundamental force of nature.

The powers that be are here to stay. You are subject to the perfect enslavement machine honed by generations of economic and military research. The arrival of the digital age has heralded the point of no return. There is no going back. Every contingency, and every last deviation has been accounted for.

Revolution, by any means, is impossible. Any would-be dissidents are subject to all-encompassing surveillance at all times, with data fed into precognitive AI run on quantum supercomputers that can identify an individual's threat level based on the very most trivial habits. They will know your secrets that you haven't told a soul to and planned to carry to your grave. If you have any qualms against the agenda, no matter how slight, they will know.

Federal surveillance and infiltration has made organizing and training impossible. Any poor individuals consumed by their vain defiance to lash out at the system will never become martyrs thanks to the nigh-absolute control of the media and its narratives disseminated to the masses. Any organized resistance that does manage to form will be doomed to be crushed and swept under the rug.

Why am I telling you this? For your own good. Denial is only going to degrade your already fragile mental state even further. Don't throw your life away in vain trying to fight a force beyond the scope of mortal man. The truth is excruciatingly painful, but all in all you're better off just accepting it and letting go.
Haplogroup H-M82 is a major lineage cluster in the Balkan Romani group, accounting for approximately 60% of the total.[148] Haplogroup H is uncommon in Europe but present in the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka.

A study of 444 people representing three ethnic groups in North Macedonia found mtDNA haplogroups M5a1 and H7a1a were dominant in Romanies (13.7% and 10.3%, respectively).[149]

Y-DNA composition of Muslim Romani from Šuto Orizari Municipality in North Macedonia, based on 57 samples:[148]

Haplogroup H – 59.6%
Haplogroup E – 29.8%
Haplogroup I – 5.3%
Haplogroup R – 3.%, of which the half are R1b and many are R1a
Haplogroup G – 1.8%

Y-DNA Haplogroup H1a occurs in Romani at frequencies 7–70%. Unlike ethnic Hungarians, among Hungarian and Slovakian Romani subpopulations Haplogroup E-M78 and I1 usually occur above 10% and sometimes over 20%, while mong Slovakian and Tiszavasvari Romani, the dominant haplogroup is H1a; among Tokaj Romani it is Haplogroup J2a (23%); and among Taktaharkány Romani, it is Haplogroup I2a (21%).[150]

Hedonism is something a civilization has to earn. The truth is that the world is so developed today that there is really nothing left worth fighting for. In many ways we've already mostly acheived the utopia our forefathers dreamed of hundreds of years ago. We are now surrounded by instant gratification. Even the few societal issues we have that still remain today like wealth inequality are absolutely nothing in comparison to the suffering of most men throughout history. We now exist in a world where everyones anxieties are derived from either trivial bullshit or from fear of being outcompeted in this grand race for human development and economic posterity. The truth is that all thoughout humans history, modern this is the society we were always striving for. There is now nothing left but hedonism. Our ancestors died in povery and suffering to give us the world we have today. Its not perfect, but its the best we've got