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your countries population is nearly 10x the amount of aus, lets say for arguments sake the aussie pedos caught in indonesia represent a large percentage of total aussie pedos because indonesia is close for those cunts to travel to and abuse children. then times that number to 10 kids like you said. now lets do the same for indonesia, how many lolicandy admins would there be in indonesia? how many "world wide" members facilitated by these local admins and mods? i have no idea what youre playing at here its like an argument of whos shit stinks worse. pro tip, theyre both equally repugnant but somehow because of a handful of aussie pedos caught and blown up by local media we're somehow the worst in the region. at this point we should just resort to ad hominem attacks on each other, like how you guys are fucking muslim with child brides etc yet we're the monsters here
European culture is centered around GREEKS. They pay billions of euros to GREEKS. They killed hundreds of thousands of t*rks to free us GREEKS. They only like REAL architecture, a.k.a CLASSIC. They declare a GREEK MAN as the BEST military leader. They eat GREEK food. They draw the entirety of their civilization from GREEKS. They post sassy gifs about GREEKS. They watch football in worship of GREEKS. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of GREEKS beating WHITEY at playing sports. They use GREEK language like "AESTHETICS", "MECHANICS" and "NOSTALGIA". When you say "Algebra" they're not thinking about some irrelevant P*rsian goatfucker. They're thinking of the GREEK BVLL DIOPHANTOS. Their economy is completely controlled by GREEKS.They worship their european police force of soldiers filled with GREEKS. Their men sit around watching football while their women sit around watching documentaries about GREEK art. They learn from an early age about GREEKS like ARISTOTELES and PYTHAGORAS and PLATON and SOKRATES while attacking the n*rdcucks who DESTROYED their continent before GREEK KANGZ took over. Their theatre plays are based on GREEK stories and their restaurants are topped by the only GOOD FOOD, i.e GYROS. They send GREEKS to the OLYMPICS and celebrate when the GREEKS absolutely BTFO WHITEY. They are invested in GREEK culture to a point where when they hear "philosophy" they by default think of the ancient GREEKS and not of some mentally unstable fr*nchoid. They will tell you how much they hate GREEKS and how they don't like their money being given to GREEKS and how they only pretend to love GREEKS but the evidence speaks for itself in that Europe has always been and will be a continent of GREEK loving GREEKS.
I’m ringing up this one lady and she was shaking a lot, her voice sounded like she was scared, she was shivering in a way that if it was cold inside the shop, so my coworker was like does this complete the sub, and the lady looks at her with a freight red face and was like “oh it’s gonna be mikes way no onion with banana peppers” my coworker doesn’t do well with talking to people who are super anxious, and I seen my coworker get scared while listening to the lady, my coworker then replies “ oh ok I’m sorry about that” Lmao anyways I’m trynna fight the feeling by chatting with our guests about some fun times I’ve had recently or how their day is going but the feeling is still there so I’m trynna laugh it off but it’s coming across as uneasiness so the crazy time lasts forever lol, finally the rush ends I was able to get the phone number of the First Ladies I helped out, but I noticed that everyone ran away from the front line lol! Through the whole rush I was laughing and trynna fight the feeling, but yeah what would you call the combination of scared/jittery/anxiety/uneasiness
Protestantism developed in England in an insane way from which evolved the modern concept of racism; Catholics were considered to be an entirely different species from human beings (protestants, in the English mind), and that's just what they thought of the ENGLISH Catholics, let alone the Scots Catholics, Welsh Catholics, and God forbid, Irish Catholics. When they got to America and they saw the Indians, they didn't think "that's fuckable" or even "that's convertible to Christianity" they thought "Jesus Christ literal fucking demons", so they killed them pretty mercilessly whenever they had the opportunity. Not to say that every protestant treated Indians like shit or believed any of that, but the peculiar English brands of Protestantism, (which are not coincidentally to blame for modern day insane evangelical fundies in the USA) produced that sort of mentality, particularly when reinforced by the peer pressure of the community.
When the sun dies, no one will be there to care about your man made delineations known as "the UK" or "India", for example. No one will be there to care about what nation X did this one time. Everything you have ever known ever will be destroyed along with all other possibilities inherent in existence. Every planet, every start, every soul, every speck of dust. It will be annihilated, for this is the nature of existence. Then a new cosmos will be born, until it one day too is destroyed by the cyclical oblivion of Chaos. You have the possibility to transcend all this, every human on Earth does. The elites know this. They are planning for immortality and some have already achieved it. When the cosmos is reborn, they will be there. You won't. Your soul will be destroyed.

And yet, you prefer to spend your free time autistically screeching about haplogroups and BBC. I hate all of you.
>The Russian army is having an increasing problem with desertions, according to a leaked document which appears to show hundreds of men deserting from the Airborne Forces (VDV) since 1 February 2023.

> The document, which has been published by the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel, is likely to come from a military prosecutor's office. It summarises criminal offences in the VDV over an unclear timeframe, probably starting from 1 February 2023.

> It states that there have been 325 cases of absence without leave (AWOL, or SOC in Russian), of which 228 men have been recovered and a further 97 are still wanted. Given that the VDV likely has around 40,000 men (45,000 pre-war), this may represent nearly 1% of the total.

>Case lists from Russian military courts have reportedly shown an increasing number of desertion cases being heard. The VDV has suffered heavy casualties during the war, so it's likely that this will have had an effect on its members' morale.

>It's also of interest that the document records 29 deaths during this period, 6 of them resulting from (presumably criminal) "incidents". Another four cases of inflicting serious bodily harm were recorded. These were likely the results of fights between soldiers.
Why are African wars so fucked up

>rebel leader with 5000 militia fighters
>storms strategic port or road
>millions starve due to the govt trying to starve out the militia members
>country remains in constant anarchy

There’s no strategic winners or any sort of aim . It’s like watching soccer game that ends with 0-0 score
The quality of nazi equipment was superior, especially to the western allies.
Fw190 had 4 cannons. Spitfire had 2. Hurricane 2 never existed.
America has no air defenses, uses f22 to kill balloons. No physical evidence for battle of stalingrad.
British navy was crap in ww2, lost to Japan. Wikipedia had a edit war to hide Yamato sinking itself.
88 guns were superior. Germans had better guns they just didn't mount them on tanks. German firepower was always superior to the allies regardless of it being towed or on tanks.
Basically everything Germany made was way better than its allied equivalent, his is a retard board and will cite economic statistics.
Manufacturing doesn't exist, it's just people doing things. Manufacturing statistics are meaningless but they are close anyway. Germans had the ability to make better equipment and economics arguments are retardation.
This thread will get a jidf reply and die immediately.
Infantry is irrelevant. His is a retard board and will humanwave until density becomes the sole factor in warfare.
In an open plain a tiger shoots 5 miles. Sherman 4 miles at 20mph. Tiger fires twice a minute. 10 Sherman's die before getting in range.
Bismarck would win if it fired at all. German shells had better aerodynamics and range. British were unable to penetrate at 12km.
Bismarck lost because it didn't fire a single shot and gave British an hour to close. Tirpitz actually tried so nobody could sink it. It sunk in harbor after being retired.
The bombing of Roma is fake. You cannot destroy a battleship from the inside with a bomb. Likewise you cannot penetrate any turret armor with a bomb.
The roma turrets were completely all around armored. There was no way to pen it.
Even the tall boy didn't work. Tirpitz had 130mm top turret. That's 100 grams per cm2.
Steel is 1gj or 100mj tensile strength there.
Tall boy was .5kg per cm2. It was 300 m/s. 1000 m/s at best, maybe with a rocket. That's 500kj strength at best.
July 9, 1953

[Written comment on a document of the National Conference on Financial and Economic Work held in the summer of 1953.]

The present-day capitalist economy in China is a capitalist economy which for the most part is under the control of the People's Government and which is linked with the state-owned socialist economy in various forms and supervised by the workers. It is not an ordinary but a particular kind of capitalist economy, namely, a state-capitalist economy of a new type. It exists not chiefly to make profits for the capitalists but to meet the needs of the people and the state. True, a share of the profits produced by the workers goes to the capitalists, but that is only a small part, about one quarter, of the total. The remaining three quarters are produced for the workers (in the form of the welfare fund), for the state (in the form of income tax) and for expanding productive capacity (a small part of which produces profits for the capitalists). Therefore, this state-capitalist economy of a new type takes on a socialist character to a very great extent and benefits the workers and the state.

Beijing, 17 November 1968

Mao Zedong: You have been here some days, haven’t you? I am a bit bureaucratic.

Pham Van Dong: How are you, Chairman Mao?

Mao Zedong: Not very well. I have had a cough for some days. It is time to go to Heaven. It seems that I am summoned to meet the Good God. How is President Ho?

Pham Van Dong: [He is] well. He is better than [when] he was in Beijing. The main reason is that he received good medical treatment in Beijing, and since he came back, he is doing well.

Mao Zedong: The weather in Beijing may not be suitable for President Ho.

Pham Van Dong: Very suitable.

Mao Zedong: In my opinion, maybe Guangzhou is better.

Pham Van Dong: On behalf of our President Ho, our Politburo, I would like to convey to you, Chairman Mao, Vice Chairman Lin and other comrades our honorable greetings.

Mao Zedong: Thank you.

Pham Van Dong: Today, in our delegation there are two comrades from the South (pointing to Comrade Muoi Cuc, and Comrade Le Duc Anh[2]).

Mao Zedong: Is it the first time Comrade Le Duc Anh came to China? (Shaking Muoi Cuc’s hands, Chairman Mao said that they had met each other in 1966.)

Le Duc Anh: I came to China once, in 1962, but it is the first time I meet Chairman Mao.

Mao Zedong: I am bureaucratic. You came here, but I haven’t met you. You may dismiss me from my post because of my being bureaucratic. We are going to convene a Party congress, and the congress may dismiss me. It may be good, too. Maybe now I should relax, only do small things such as sweeping my house. Recently, I haven’t engaged in any battle.

You want to have talks with the US, and so do they with you. The US has great difficulties in their undertaking. They have 3 problems to be dealt with, namely the issues in America, mainly in the US, in Europe, and in Asia. They already have been involved in Asia for 4 or 5 years now. It is not even-handed. The US capitalists who invested in Europe should be displeased and disagree. And in US history, the Americans always let others engage in wars first and only get involved when the wars are half way over. But after the Second World War, they started fighting in Korea and then in Vietnam. They mainly fought these wars themselves, with little involvement of other countries. You call it a special war, a limited war, but for the US, they concentrate all their forces on it. At present their allies in Europe are complaining a lot, saying that [the US] reduces the number of its troops [in Europe] and withdraws its experienced troops and good equipment [from Europe], not to mention the troops withdrawn from South Korea and Hawaii. The US has a population of 200 million people, but it cannot stand wars. If they want to mobilize some tens of thousand of troops, they must spend a lot of time and money.

(The transcript at this point contains a conversation between Chairman Mao and a young woman who entered, serving him a cup of hot tea. He turned to her. Young woman: Please do not wipe your face!

Mao: Why not? Does the towel contain poison? I will not comply.

Mao picks up a pack of cigarettes. He tries, but fails to open it. Then, he gives the pack to the young woman.

Mao: I cannot open it. You open it. What is your name?

Young woman: Leng Feng.

Mao: Does it mean cool summer breeze?

(Then he turned back to the Vietnamese guests: Please try these cigarettes!)
Mao Zedong: After some years of struggling against them, you should consider not only your difficulties but also your enemy’s. You have been fighting for more than a dozen of years. 23 years have passed since the Japanese surrender in 1945 but your country is still existing. You have fought the Japanese, French, and now you are fighting the Americans. But Vietnam still exists like other countries, and more than that, it has developed to a greater extent.

Pham Van Dong: That is true.

Mao Zedong: Why was the Geneva Conference convened? ([he] asks Comrade Zhou Enlai). In the past, I did say that we had made a mistake when we went to the Geneva conference in 1954. At that time, President Ho Chi Minh wasn’t totally satisfied. It was difficult for President Ho to give up the South, and now, when I think twice, I see that he was right. The mood of the people in the South at that time was rising high. Why did we have the Geneva conference? Perhaps, France wanted it.

Zhou Enlai: It was proposed by the Soviet Union. Khrushchev at that time was in power. And in January 1954, the Soviets wanted to solve the problem.

Mao Zedong: Now, I cannot remember the whole story. But I see that it would be better if the conference could have been delayed for one year, so the troops from the North could come down [to the South] and defeat [the enemy].

Pham Van Dong: At that time, we were fighting in the whole country, having no division between the North and the South.

Mao Zedong: We had to fight in a sweeping manner. The world public opinion at that time also wanted to have this conference. In my opinion, at that time the French wanted to withdraw, the US was not yet [ready] to come, and Diem was facing many difficulties.[3] I think that to withdraw our forces [to the North] meant that we lent them a helping hand. I once talked about it with President Ho, and today I talk about it again with you. Maybe my opinion is incorrect. But I think that we lost an opportunity, as in the treaty, there is a provision on the withdrawal of troops.

Zhou Enlai: To withdraw the armed forces.

Mao Zedong: But it is not a very serious problem. It is the simple question of killing. And killing led to war. When the war broke out, the Americans came, at first as advisers, and then as combat troops. But now, they again say that the Americans in Vietnam are advisers.

Pham Van Dong: It is impossible for them to be advisors.

Mao Zedong: I, however, think that they will be advisors.

Pham Van Dong: Let Comrade Muoi speak on that.

Muoi Cuc: Dear Uncle Mao! Our President Ho, Political Bureau and Party Central Committee give us the order to fight until there is no American left in our country, even as advisors. Our blood has been shed for several years now. Why do we have to accept them to stay as advisors?

Mao Zedong: So, it will take some time if you do not accept them as advisors.

Muoi Cuc: It is correct, Uncle Mao. We are persistently fighting until the South becomes entirely independent and free, until national unification is attained. By so doing, we adhere to the order by our President Ho as well as your [orders]. This is what our Party Central Committee thinks and also what the entire Vietnamese people desire.

Mao Zedong: It is good to think that way. It is imperative to fight and to talk at the same time. It will be difficult if you rely only on negotiations to request their departure.

Pham Van Dong: They will not go anywhere and just stay.

Mao Zedong: As far as fighting is concerned, the US relies on its air force. There are about 9 or 10 US divisions. The number of American troops fighting in the Korean War was bigger. It is said that they have 5 divisions—approximately 200 thousand troops—deployed in Europe. But this number is overstated. The number of airplanes has been reduced. Some troops have been sent to reinforce the Seventh Fleet. I do not know how many divisions are deployed in the US.

Wang Xinting: Nine divisions. [Ye Jianying corrected: 6 divisions and 4 regiments.]

Pham Van Dong: The best American divisions are deployed in South Vietnam.

Mao Zedong: [The US faces three problems:] First the lack of troops; second the lack of equipment and last the lack of experienced people.

Zhou Enlai: They have 6 divisions and 6 regiments deployed in the US.

Mao Zedong: But the battlefield in Vietnam is of first priority. There, they have 9 divisions and 4 regiments. But as far as I remember, they had 7 divisions there.

Zhou Enlai: Later, they were reinforced.
Mao Zedong: I still have not understood why the US imperialists went to Southeast Asia and what interests the American capitalists found there. Exploitation of natural resources? Of course, the region is rich in natural resources. Oil, rubber in Indonesia. Rubber in Malaysia. Is there rubber in your country?

Pham Van Dong: Plenty.

Mao Zedong: Rubber and tea. But I do not think that the US needs food or plants.

Pham Van Dong: The US is looking further than that when fighting in Vietnam.

Mao Zedong: They fight in the South, but target the North and further, China. They are not strong enough to target other areas.

Pham Van Dong: But they are imperialists.

Mao Zedong: Of course, imperialists must have colonies. They want countries like ours to become their colonies. Before, China used to be a semi-colony of imperialists for over 100 years. What did they rob us of? China’s technology and agriculture did not develop.

Zhou Enlai: They robbed materials.

Mao Zedong: What materials?

Zhou Enlai: Soybean.

Mao Zedong: Britain exploited Chinese coal. The US does not need Chinese coal. They say that China does not have oil. Basically, they do not involve themselves in steel production and engineering. They do some textile production, but Japan and Britain do the most. I, therefore, see that their target is to put out the fire, because fire has burst out in your country. Because the capitalists want to put out fire, they must design machinery to do so, thus making money. How much money do they spend in Vietnam every year?

Pham Van Dong: More than 30 billion [dollars].

Mao Zedong: The US cannot prolong the war. Approximately 4 years at best. At present, the fire is not put out, but to the contrary, [it has] become fiercer. Some capitalist groups gain more benefits, but others do not. Since benefits have not been divided equally, they are at odds with each other. This contradiction can be exploited.

Additionally, the capitalists who enjoy fewer benefits now become less committed. I have seen this in different speeches during the election campaign. Recently, there was an article by an American reporter warning of another trap. The reporter’s name is [Walter] Lippman. [He wrote that] the US is now trapped in Vietnam and trying to get of out the quagmire. Yet, it is afraid of getting into another quagmire. That is why your cause is hopeful. In 1964, in a 5-hour conversation with President Ho, I said that that year might be decisive because it was an election year in the US. Every presidential candidate has to face this problem. Will the US continue to fight or get out of the quagmire? I think that it will be more difficult for them to continue to fight. But Europe has not participated, which is different from the Korean War.

Pham Van Dong: That’s correct.

Mao Zedong: During the Korean War, Britain and Turkey participated.

Pham Van Dong: So did France.

Mao Zedong: Only nominally and really not much.

Pham Van Dong: There was a regiment from France.

Mao Zedong: We were not impressed by the French participation.

Zhou Enlai: There were totally 16 countries participating in the war, including South Korea.

Mao Zedong: Japan and Taiwan do not participate in the Vietnam war.

Pham Van Dong: They are wise. At times, we were very much afraid that Japan would.

Mao Zedong: Japan will not, generally. It may involve itself financially. At least, Japan benefits in terms of weapons.

The US overestimated their forces. They again committed the same old mistake: scattering their forces. It is not my opinion but [US President-elect Richard M.] Nixon’s. He said that American forces were too scattered. Their forces are now scattered in America, Europe and Asia. Even in Asia, American forces do not concentrate. There are 70,000 American troops, including 2 divisions of marines, in South Korea. There is a division in Hawaii. Other naval and air bases need more reserve troops. You, therefore, can understand how the American ruling circles think. If you were American presidents, what would you think? I never thought that they would attack North Vietnam. But my prediction was wrong when they bombed the North. But now, when they stop, my prediction is proven right. If, in the future, they resume bombing, I will be wrong again. Anyway, I will be right one day.

It is good, nevertheless, that you have prepared for several alternatives. For all the years of fighting, the US armies have not attacked the North, Haiphong port has not been blockaded, and the streets of Hanoi have not been bombed. It shows that the US is keeping a card in reserve. At one time, they warned [that they would] pursue your planes to your air bases. But in fact, they did not. This shows that their warnings are empty.

Pham Van Dong: We have noticed this.

Mao Zedong: Later, they did not reiterate this warning. They did not mention the movement of your planes. They also know how many Chinese people are working in Vietnam, but do not mention this, just ignoring it. Maybe we should withdraw the [Chinese] troops which are not needed. Have you discussed that matter?

Zhou Enlai: We shall discuss this with Comrade Ly Ban, with our Ambassador and military experts.

Mao Zedong: In case they come, we will be back. There will be no big deal.

Pham Van Dong: Let us think again.

Mao Zedong: You do think again. Keep what you still need and we withdraw what you no longer need or do not yet need. In the future, when you need [assistance], we shall be back. The same will be with your air force: if you need China’s air bases, you just use them; if you do not need them, you do not use them.

We agree with your slogan of fighting while negotiating. Some comrades worry that the US will deceive you. But I tell them not to [worry]. Negotiations are just like fighting. You have drawn experience, understood the rules. But sometimes they can deceive you. As you said, the US did not keep their word.

Pham Van Dong: They are very wicked.

Mao Zedong: They in many cases even said that the signed treaties were worthless. But things have their rules. The Americans cannot do this all the time. Will you negotiate with them for 100 years? Our Comrade Prime Minister said: If Nixon cannot solve the problem in two years’ time, he will be in trouble. Are you the chief representative in negotiations?

(Asking Le Thanh Nghi[4])
Zhou Enlai: Comrade Le Duc Tho is. This is Comrade Le Thanh Nghi.

Mao Zedong: Both have the family name of Le!

Pham Van Dong: As Chairman Mao said, we conduct fighting while negotiating. But fighting should be conducted to a certain extent before negotiations can start. Sitting at the negotiating table does not mean [we] stop fighting. On the contrary, fighting must be fiercer. In that way, we can attain a higher position, adopt the voice of the victorious and strong, who knows how to fight to the end and knows that the enemy will fail eventually. This is our attitude. If we think otherwise, we will not win. In this connection, the South must fight fiercely, at the same time carry out the political struggle. At present, conditions in the South are very good. The convening of talks in Paris represents a new source of encouragement for our people in the South. They say that if the US fails in the North, they will definitely fail in the South.

Mao Zedong: Is it true that the American troops were happy when talks were announced?

Muoi Cuc[5]: I would like to tell you, Chairman Mao, that the Americans celebrate the news. Thousands of them gather to listen to radio coverage of the talks. When ordered to fight, some wrote on their hats: “I am soon going back home, please do not kill me.”

Saigon troops are very discouraged. Many of them openly oppose Thieu,[6] saying: “If Mr. Thieu wants to fight, just let him go to Khe Sanh and do it.” The morale of the Saigon troops and government officials is very low. Our people, cadres, and troops in the South are encouraged and determined to fight harder. We see that because we are strong, we can force the US to stop bombing the North. Therefore, [this] is the time we should fight more, thus defeating them. This is the common aspiration and spirit of our people, cadres, and troops in the South, Uncle Mao.

Mao Zedong: Is the number of American troops welcoming talks [and] wishing to go home big or small?

Muoi Cuc: Big. We will fight more, and at the same time, push the task of mobilizing the people and demoralizing the enemy.

Mao Zedong: That is good. I was told that the American troops have to stay in underground shelters. You also have to do so. How is it in the rainy season?

Muoi Cuc: We have to use water-proof cloth to cover [the soldiers].

Mao Zedong: How long is the rainy season?

Muoi Cuc: Six months each season, dry and rainy ones.

Mao Zedong: That long?

Muoi Cuc: But it rains most during three months.

Mao Zedong: Which months?

Muoi Cuc: May, June, and July.

Mao Zedong: Is it now the dry season?

Muoi Cuc: The end of rainy season and beginning of the dry one.

Pham Van Dong: Seasons are different in our country.

Mao Zedong: Seasons in the North are different from those in the South, aren’t they?

Muoi Cuc: Uncle Mao, this time, like before, we are summoned to the North to report the situation in the South and receive new directives from President Ho and the Political Bureau. Then, President Ho and our Central Committee asked Comrade Le Duc Anh and me to accompany Comrades Pham Van Dong and Le Thanh Nghi to China to report to Chairman Mao, Vice-Chairman Lin Biao, and other Chinese leaders about the situation in the South. The day before yesterday, through Prime Minister Zhou Enlai, we know that Chairman Mao praised us. We felt very encouraged.

Mao Zedong: We mentioned it here, in this room.

Muoi Cuc: We know that every time when a victory is gained, Chairman Mao sends us a letter of praise. This is really a great encouragement for our people, cadres, and troops in the South. Our victories gained in the South are due, to a great extent, to the assistance, as well as the encouragement, of the Chinese people and your [encouragement], Chairman Mao.

Mao Zedong: My part is very small.

Muoi Cuc: Very big, very important.

Mao Zedong: Mainly because of your efforts. Your country is unified, your Party is unified, your armed forces are unified, your people, regardless in the South or North, are unified, which is very good.

Muoi Cuc: We hold that the spiritual support offered by China is most important. Even in the most difficult situations, we have the great rear area of China supporting us, which allows us to fight for as long as it takes.

Material assistance is also very important. That we force the American troops into underground shelters [is] also because of pieces of artillery that China gave us.

Pham Van Dong: That is true.

Muoi Cuc: We even used Chinese weapons to attack Saigon. The enemy is frightened.

Mao Zedong: You seem to be receptive to the logic of weapons.

Pham Van Dong: It is true that we rely on Chinese weapons.

Muoi Cuc: We rely on the strength of our people, but without Chinese weapons, it will be more difficult.

Mao Zedong: Bare hands cannot do. There must be good weapons in [those] hands.

Muoi Cuc: As Uncle Mao said, we have to fight the enemy with guns and bags

of rice.

Mao Zedong: Maybe I am receptive to the logic of weapons, too.

Pham Van Dong: China has provided us large amounts of weaponry and rice.

Muoi Cuc: Our troops are very moved when they know that Chairman Mao pays attention even to their health. In addition to weapons, we receive from China rice [and] food so that our troops can be better fed, thus being stronger.

Mao Zedong: Have the supplies arrived?

Muoi Cuc: Some have. For example, egg powder, soybean, seasoning.

Pham Van Dong: Very good.

Mao Zedong: More supplies may be available. We have to thank Sihanouk too.

Pham Van Dong: We have considered his role.

Mao Zedong: Some road-fees are needed. It is worth spending for this.

Pham Van Dong: We estimate that this amount is even bigger than that of American aid.

Muoi Cuc: Before, the US gave Cambodia $20 million a year. Now, the amount China pays Sihanouk for rice and road-fees exceeds $20 million. In helping us, Sihanouk gains both good reputation and benefits.

Pham Van Dong: He also benefits from our defense of Cambodia’s eastern border with the South of Vietnam.

Muoi Cuc: Plus Chinese sympathy.
Mao Zedong: As far as politics is concerned, he still sometimes surprises us. Recently, he may have felt abandoned by the US, so he has twice stated that the US should withdraw some of its troops, but not all. Recently, he has stated on Paris Radio that the US should withdraw its troops but not bring them to the US, and that the US should not deploy its troops [in] Cambodia but in Thailand or in the Philippines, so that China will not invade his country. He often talks in an anti-Communist tone. According to what he said, there is evidence of the US wanting to withdraw its troops. If they do withdraw, Sihanouk will be worried, and so will Thailand and the Philippines. In the South [of Vietnam], the first person to be worried is Thieu. Every one of them really wants US troops to stay.

So, the world now is in great chaos. Those countries that lack their own strength need the help of superpowers, as in the case of Sihanouk. Even Japanese capitalists still need US support. The Japanese seem to welcome negotiations. However, in fact, they do not, because as capitalists they get a lot of profit from the war. Many US weapons are made in Japan.

Pham Van Dong: We have been attentive to this point. We are very surprised that Japan seemingly wants to make a contribution to solving the war. But we have to consider their real attitudes.

Mao Zedong: Some people talk one way and think another way. When the Korean war ended, many Japanese industries went bankrupt. When the US starts to fight, Japan starts to benefit.

Pham Van Dong: It’s the best policy of Japan.

Mao Zedong: The Filipino capitalists do the same. They do not contribute many troops to US war efforts in South Vietnam. But since the US troops are based in the Philippines, the Filipino capitalists gain a lot from that. So do the Thai capitalists.

Pham Van Dong: It’s very clear in the case of Thailand. But it is not they who make decisions. It is the Vietnamese who decide whether the US will stay or go. We, all the Vietnamese people, are determined to fight and to drive them away. We are preparing to concentrate our forces and fight the US in the South. Probably, we will engage in large-scale battles in the coming period. Certainly, the war will be fiercer.

Mao Zedong: Early this spring you fought quite well. We have suggested that you fight large-scale battles like the one in Dien Bien Phu. At that time we didn’t know that your liberated zones were terribly divided. Is this [still] the situation in every province?

Pham Van Dong: Yes, but this situation doesn’t affect our efforts to encircle Saigon and other bases or blockade important points in their communication and transportation network. We have also thought of large-scale battles like Dien Bien Phu, but we must calculate carefully and thoroughly before we do so.

Mao Zedong: You should have your bases geographically interrelated with each other. Without this condition, it’s difficult for you to concentrate your forces for large-scale battle. And there is another matter: Thieu’s regime is afraid of the NLF. This fact proves that the NLF enjoys influence among the people in the South, not Thieu. Their mass media have talked about it, not in an official way, but based on official sources.

Which government has real prestige in South Vietnam? Nguyen Huu Tho’s[7] or Nguyen Van Thieu’s? Both of them have the family name of Nguyen. Recently, Thieu has tried to play hard, pretending that he didn’t want to attend the Paris conference. But in fact, the US has very clearly seen that the Vietnam problem cannot be solved without the participation of the NLF. You have read all these [facts], haven’t you?

Muoi Cuc: They are perplexing.

Mao Zedong: The US now respects the Party and Government in Vietnam led by President Ho, respects the NLF led by President Nguyen Huu Tho. The US also does not think highly of the Thieu clique, considering them ineffective.

Pham Van Dong: That is correct.

Mao Zedong: The US gives Saigon a lot of money, but much has been embezzled.

Pham Van Dong: In Paris, Thieu’s representatives verbally opposed the US. We then asked the American representatives why the US allowed Saigon to do so. Harriman replied that Saigon by so doing tried to show that they are not puppets.

Mao Zedong: They have been ordered to show opposition to the US, that’s why. Maybe the Harriman team will be replaced. Nixon probably will assign new negotiators.

Pham Van Dong: Of course.

Le Duc Anh: Chairman Mao, our armies in the South are undergoing political education and military training. We are prepared to receive weapons provided for by Chairman Mao, [and] the Chinese Communist Party, and to set up battlefields for coming fierce campaigns. We are also prepared to inflict severe damages on several elite contingents of American troops in the South. Following the directives by President Ho, drawing on our most recent experience, we believe that we are going to achieve great victories.

Chairman Mao, since the beginning of this year, we have inflicted heavy casualties on some American elite contingents, such as the 25th division, the 1st division, and their armored vehicle units. In a battle in August in Tay Ninh alone, we killed and wounded 12,000 troops, the majority of which were Americans, destroyed 1,100 tanks, armored vehicles, more than 100 pieces of artillery. When our infantry troops were advancing, American tanks and armor retreated—they were very afraid of our troops equipped with weapons provided by Chairman Mao. Such weapons included [the] B40, for example.

Mao Zedong: Is that weapon powerful?

Le Duc Anh: Very effective for fighting tanks.

Mao Zedong: Did we have this weapon before? (Asking Wang Xinting)

Wang Xinting: No, we did not.

Ye Jianying: We used the B90 during the Korean War.

Pham Van Dong: Tanks will melt when they are hit by this weapon.

Le Duc Anh: And the drivers will be burnt to death.

Mao Zedong: Good. Can we produce more of this?

Wang Xinting: Yes, but to produce ammunition for this weapon is more difficult than to produce the weapon.

Le Duc Anh: The enemy has internal contradictions. Saigon troops criticize Americans for being cowards [and] do not believe in them any more.

Mao Zedong: Saigon troops criticize Americans?

Le Duc Anh: American and Saigon troops do not believe in each other. They are both afraid of the Liberation Armies.

Mao Zedong: It may well be so.

Le Duc Anh: In the recent incident occurring from October 25 to November 7, a unit of the American First Infantry Division refused to fight. During the August campaign, we killed a division commander. Troops in that division celebrated his death.

Muoi Cuc: This General was brutal.

Mao Zedong: Not civilized.